Frequently Asked Questions
What is dyslexia?
A neurological disorder with average to above-average intelligence and difficulty with reading, writing, and spelling.
Where can I go for testing?
Partners In Change Dr. Zimostrad Ryan & Ryan Psychological
Midland MI Midland MI Grand Rapids MI
989-832-2165 989-839-6565 616-956-7878
Delta Psychological Michigan Dyslexia Institute
Bay City MI Lansing, MI
989-895-0788 517-485-4000
What do I do after my child has been diagnosed?
To start the application process please visit here.
How many people are affected with dyslexia?
Dyslexia affects about 1 in every 5 people to some degree.
It is an inherited learning disability afflicts children without regard to race or gender. It is incurable, but it can be remediated successfully.
What other academic areas does dyslexia affect?
Dyslexia is a language-based disability that affects not only reading, writing, and spelling, but also listening, thinking, talking, and mathematics. Academic problems can lead to stress, anxiety, frustration, and self-esteem issues.
Can dyslexia be overcome?
With early diagnosis and appropriate instruction, dyslexic students can learn to read.
Well known Dyslexic Learners:
Thomas Jefferson, Albert Einstein, Ben Franklin, Elvis Presley, George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Robin Williams, Leonardo da Vinci, Mozart, Galileo, Will Smith, Walt Disney, Steve Jobs, Agatha Christie, Vince Vaughn, John Lennon, Henry Winkler, Jim Carrey, and 100s of people all around you!